Saturday, June 21, 2014

Almost 10 Weeks

I haven't posted in a while. Partly because I've been so tired. This baby has been taking a lot out of me and I can tell when it's going through a growth spurt. During those times I'm more tired but also more nauseous. The nausea has settled a little but it still is full force at night. That is when my appetite is the weakest. 
I am getting excited for our appointment next week. I will be 10 weeks and 4 days along. We get to see the baby for the first time at our first trimester ultrasound and then later that day is our appointment. I am not looking forward to the pelvic exam. I've actually had a little bit of anxiety about it, and a bad dream. I'm sure it will be ok though. 
A couple of days ago my husband Bryan gave me my birthday present a little early. It is a sonoline B fetal Doppler. I was able to hear Baby Nichelson #2's heartbeat. It was music to my ears and really brightened up my day. It is hard not to want to listen to it all the time, but it definitely makes me feel closer to the baby. 
So far I haven't really gained any weight. I am hoping to only gain a pound or two this trimester and only 5-10 or so in the next trimester and of course I will gain in the last. I just don't want to gain as much as I did when I was pregnant with Bryelle.
Anyways, just wanted to give an update on how I have been lately. Next time I blog it will be about our experience seeing our little one for the first time :) 

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