Wednesday, October 29, 2014

28 Weeks, 12 to Go!

This past Sunday I reached the 28 week mark, which also put me in the third trimester. I cannot believe I am already 2/3 of the way done with this pregnancy. It has all gone by so fast, that I am starting to feel like I don't have enough time to get everything done before Isabelle comes. I know that 12 weeks is a long time, but at the same time, I just know that those 12 weeks are going to fly by also. I just need to remember to take it one day at a time, getting a little bit done here and there, and everything will be just fine.
One thing that has come back since I have been in my third trimester is the nausea and lack of appetite. Its not all the time, so that is good, but its still often enough to bother me a little bit. Its really weird because I never experienced this with Bryelle, but I hear that it is quite common. I guess I got lucky with Bryelle. :) 
On Saturday, the day before I hit 28 weeks, we got to go and do a 3D/4D ultrasound. While I anticipated tears, I did not shed a single one. Its amazing how different your emotions are the second time around. I am overjoyed to be bringing another child into the world, but I don't think there is anything quite like your first child. After all, your first child is the child that made you a mother, and turned your life upside down, for the better of course.
Anyways, the ultrasound was amazing nonetheless. Since I was only just about 28 weeks along, we were able to see a lot more than we were able to see with Bryelle, who was 34 weeks when we went with her. Isabelle looks just like her big sister, but at the same time, they both have different features. I think that Isabelle has her daddy's nose, while Bryelle has mine. I think they both have my cheeks. It looks like Isabelle will have daddy's lips, while Bryelle has mine. We will have to wait and see though... when we will be able to see our precious girl in person.

Isabelle is SO very active these days. There is practically not a single moment where she is not jabbing, rolling, kicking, or bouncing around in there. I have a feeling she is going to be my wild child! Bryelle was so much more calm, only moving at night mainly. I know a lot of it could have to do with me working while I was pregnant with her, but I still chase after a toddler all day so I am not sure, but I definitely do feel a lot more this time! Could also be the placement of my placenta! I love it though! She definitely has a little personality already too. Daddy was messing with her and he would push on my belly and she would kick back at him. It was too cute. 
On Tuesday I had my 28 week doctors appointment. Everything looks great. My blood pressure was great, like it has been this whole pregnancy. I don't have a single bit of swelling, which is so different with my pregnancy with Bryelle, because my swelling was so bad with her! In the past month I have only gained 1 pound, which I found a little strange considering you're "suppose" to gain at least 1/2 a pound to a pound a week in the second trimester. I am not sure what the guidelines are for the third trimester though. I dont really have to worry about the weight gain though because even if I gained a pound a week from here on out, it would put me at a 36 pound gain which isn't terrible. And even then, the midwife I will be seeing from now on said that as long as mom is healthy and baby is healthy, she doesn't really pay too much attention to weight gain... Which is nice, because for most people, weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable...So far I have gained 23 pounds this preganancy, where with Bryelle I had gained 27 by this time. I know 4 pounds isn't a huge difference but I bet the difference is the swelling that I had with her.
One disappointing thing I was told at my appointment was that since I am at 28 weeks and I have decided to decline the glucose tolerance test, I have to do finger pricks again for two weeks. Although it was disappointing, I am just glad I dont have to drink that glucola. And I have good news, I started checking my blood sugar yesterday and so far all of my numbers have been excellent! That makes me so happy because if I were to have gestational diabetes this time around, I would be considered high risk since I have already had gestational diabetes in the past. So, lets just pray that my numbers continue to stay good for the next couple of weeks!
I go back in two weeks to turn in my glucometer so they can analyze the numbers and rule out (or rule in) gestational diabetes. I have confidence that everything will be ok though! After that appointment I go back in another two weeks for my regular follow up appointment, and then I believe that I will have one more regular monthly appointment before I start going every two weeks. Its crazy to think that I probably only have about 5 or 6 appointments before Isabelle's arrival.
The midwife told me that I need to start writing up my birth plan. We talked a little about my birth wishes while I was at my last appointment and she seemed confident that we'd be able to follow my plan as long as there weren't any complications (ie;gestational diabetes) So we shall see!  If nothing else, I really would like to labor in the hydrotherapy tub to help with pain management. I am going to avoid the epidural at all costs. I really had a bad experience with the epidural when I was in labor with Bryelle and I am actually more afraid of the epidural than I am about the pain of pushing her out... Which is a lot!  I will be ok though! My friend gave me some affirmations to read everyday, so I think if I get in the right mindset, that is going to help me a lot. I still need to find something to be my focal point. I will more than likely bring a framed photo of Isabelle from the 3D ultrasound to look at and be my main focus, since she will be the goal that I am trying to reach! Wow, all this is really overwhelming but I know that I can do this. :)  I dont have to worry about it so much right now though. I still have a ways to go!
Well that is all for today! As always, I thank you for reading, and I hope that you look forward to the next update. :)

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