Sunday, August 31, 2014

20 Weeks! Halfway Done!

Ive been waiting for this day for a while. We finally made it to the halfway point. I can't believe in 20 weeks we will be holding another beautiful baby girl in our arms. I can't even begin to describe all the different emotions this brings. It will definitely be a roller coaster ride, but I am ready for all that life with two kids will bring. 
We have been in California for my sisters wedding for the past few days. Her wedding is just under a week away. We've been doing little things here and there to get ready for the wedding. One being trying on my bridesmaid dress and getting it altered so it will fit just right. 
I have had to watch my blood sugar still while we have been here and so far I've gotten good numbers except for the first night. I am really proud of myself for how well I am doing. I really am trying to avoid medicine at all costs. We have an appointment the day after we get back to see if my numbers have been good enough to be able to see a midwife again instead of a doctor. We shall see... 
Besides being extremely exhausted this trimester, everything is good. I am feeling Isabelle move more and more every day. Her kicks and nudges are starting to get stronger and can be felt on the outside now. I can't wait for her to join our family. I always said I wanted a boy and a girl and then I would be done having kids, but I think my heart will be complete with my two little girls. 
I am hoping my energy will come back soon but so far it's looking like it won't. I remember with Bryelle I had energy my whole second trimester and it was great. I guess havig a toddler this time around really is weighing me down. It will be ok though. I still have about 6 weeks left in this trimester to gain some energy back before I start getting really big. 
Anyways, I don't have much of an update, but things are going well. That is all for now!

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