Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hello There 6 Weeks!

Today I've reached the 6 week mark in my pregnancy with Baby Nichelson number two and let me tell you, I am feeling it! 
Today I've had a lot of nausea and headaches. I did notice that my nausea hasn't been as bad as it was when I was pregnant with Bryelle, but then again it is still very early. There is still plenty of time for that nausea to kick in full swing! 
I had to run a few errands in Austin today and I had my first meltdown for this pregnancy. I was talking to my mom and aunt about the dress for my sisters wedding and just saying how I didn't really want to get pregnant before the wedding because I didn't want to have to worry about the dress, and I just started bawling. Don't get me wrong, I am super excited about having another baby, it's just that the timing is kind of bad because I am in a wedding, but I need to remember that my timing may not always be the best but Gods is and He knows what He is doing. 
I was craving Panera Bread today so my friend and I went since we were already in the area, and my food settled pretty well at first. After we ate I stopped by a store really quick and as I was talking to a salesperson I started feeling really queasy. When I got back to the car my friend suggested that I get one of my ginger candies, but they really didn't sound good. I did put one in my mouth and felt a little better. I sure was tired after lunch though! 
For dinner all I could really tolerate was a smoothie. I made it with spinach, strawberries, blueberries, a banana, yogurt, almond milk and ice. And now that I'm writing this I realized that I should have used the frozen bananas. Oh well... I also had a bit of popcorn but it didn't sit right. 

So today at 6 weeks Emotionally I am feeling overwhelmed a little.. Also excited and anxious for my first appointment. Physically I am exhausted and nauseated. I have super sore boobs and my stomach is starting to bloat... Yay... Lol. That is all until next time. 

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