I can't believe its been five weeks since my last entry. I was trying to write at least every week but I guess I sort of slacked off... Lets see if I can recap what has been going on these last five weeks...
So, two weeks after my last post, I had an appointment with my midwife an my doula came along with me. It was nice to have her support, and also to have another set of ears to listen to the answers of questions I had for my midwife. We got a lot of questions answered and as far as what I plan to have happen during this birth experience, I think things are going to go pretty good.
Two days after Thanksgiving, we decided to go cut down a Christmas tree. When we got it home, I realized that we made a mistake. It was so hard for me to breathe, that I had to sleep with our bedroom door closed and the windows open. I am allergic to most Christmas trees, but the past two years I hadn't had any trouble so I didn't think I would have trouble this year, but boy was I wrong! A couple days after we got our tree I went to a friends house and she has a monstrous tree, about 8.5 feet tall! Well, the next day I was sure paying for it... My allergies were in full swing and it started to flare up my asthma as well. Here we are about two and a half weeks later, and I am still coughing, but now I think its due to the cedar allergies. I just cannot win! Fortunately this is the first time I have really suffered with allergies this year. Normally I have allergies every time the seasons change, but ever since I had Bryelle, I haven't really had any trouble.
My last appointment was on the 11th of this month and Bryan was able to go with me to that one. I was advised to still check my blood sugar, but that I could check it every other day instead of every day. If my numbers stay where they are suppose to be, I will be given the OK at my next appointment to check every three days. I am praying that my numbers will stay good! It is such a pain sometimes to have to check my numbers and only be able to eat at certain times. I know it is all for a good reason though, so that helps a little.
I started swelling a little in my hands and ankles this week. I officially cannot wear my wedding rings anymore, and several of my shoes are starting to feel snug. I still cant complain though. This pregnancy has been such a breeze compare to the one with Bryelle. I still haven't gained as much weight as I did with Bryelle either. I believe I am up 32 pounds, and with Bryelle I had gained 42 until I went on the gestational diabetes diet and then ended up only gaining 36 pounds. I am not too worried about the weight though. I only have a little over 4 weeks left and then Isabelle will be here and hopefully taking care of a newborn and chasing after a toddler, the weight will fall off...
I have been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately, and even feel like Isabelle is trying to make her way out at times, but I know I still have a ways to go. I am trying to get everything prepared and ready though just in case. Last week I packed my hospital bag and bought a few last minute things for Isabelle. I still need to write my birth plan and do a few other things before her arrival. I know that I have time, but I think with the holidays coming up soon, the time is going to slip right on by very quickly. We cant wait for Isabelle to make her debut. I still cant believe that I will have another baby to love.